3 Signs Your Marriage Needs a LIFE Marriage Retreat
3 Signs Your Marriage Needs a LIFE Marriage Retreat
Every couple will experience challenging times from both internal and external sources. Those times, though painful, will actually make a relationship stronger as the couple works through them in healthy ways. However, some couples find themselves in the “down” spectrum of the happy scale for long periods of time, unable to rediscover the path to higher and happier ground, and end up searching for marriage counseling San Antonio offers or marriage counseling Las Vegas offers. These couples with unhappy and seemingly crumbling marriages can turn to a LIFE marriage retreat. If you’re not sure if your marriage is a good fit for a Retreat, evaluate if you are experiencing any of the following signs in your relationship:
- Damaged or eroded Trust. Trust can be damaged by significant betrayals, whether infidelity or other forms of dishonesty. But couples also experience an erosion of trust over time as busy lives and distractions come between them. This can lead a couple to feel more like roommates than intimate companions, and result in their questioning whether they can really find happiness and fulfillment together. A LIFE marriage retreat will help you both express your deepest feelings and work through the difficult issue to become united again.
- Lack of healthy and effective Communication. Dwindling and/or damaging communication is almost always both a cause and result of a struggling relationship. It becomes difficult for partners to understand one another’s perspective and communication often ends up a fight to be right. At a LIFE Marriage Retreat you will communicate at the highest level at which you have ever communicated. You will build a foundation made up of the principles and skills that define every successful marriage, and will feel safety and respect as you discover the healthiest solutions to heal your relationship.
- Serious, damaging effects from addiction. If you or your spouse is suffering from an addiction that has not been treated or overcome, the effects on the addict and the spouse are heartbreaking. There are no words for the turmoil that addiction causes in a marriage and family. Come to a LIFE marriage retreat to learn how healing, strength, and redemption can be found even in the case of addiction.
If you relate to even one of these three signs, it’s time to seriously consider attending a LIFE couples retreat. Instead of looking for marriage counseling San Antonio offers, book a retreat with us at our Texas Hill Country location. With the help of a LIFE marriage retreat, you can find peace and happiness in your marriage once again. Book a retreat today by calling (877) 376-7127 or by visiting lifemarriageretreats.com.