Situations and Circumstances You Need to Be Careful With While this article is meant to be a guideline for you and your spouse, you both will have to decide what you’re okay with and what you’re not okay with. Maybe you’re both okay with certain things that other couples wouldn’t be, and that’s for you […] Dye Dye2018-08-22 14:37:372019-06-06 18:08:38What Is and Isn’t Appropriate When it Comes to Opposite Sex Relationships Outside of Your Marriage (Part 2)
Imagine you just got married and you and your spouse are happily starting out your life together. However, you notice your spouse is still communicating with a close friend of the opposite gender that he had before you were married. While you know nothing is going on, you can’t help but feel ill at ease. […] Dye Dye2018-08-20 16:08:342019-06-06 18:07:55What Is and Isn’t Appropriate When it Comes to Opposite Sex Relationships Outside of Your Marriage (Part 1)
3. Use “If…Then” Statements to Create Them So what does a boundary look like and how do you create one? Here’s an example: If my spouse starts to lose his temper and begins to lash out, then I will, verbalizing a time-out, leave his presence and choose not to engage until he cools down. If […] Dye Dye2018-08-10 11:35:022019-07-17 20:48:53How to Set Healthy Boundaries in Marriage (Part 2)
Whether you’re newly married or you’ve been married for 15 years, boundaries can be an important part of a thriving, healthy relationship. Couples who understand how to implement appropriate boundaries in their marriage will find themselves feeling that sense of security and trustworthiness needed in a relationship at all times. Remember, the ultimate goal of […] Dye Dye2018-08-04 15:18:442019-07-17 20:47:32How to Set Healthy Boundaries in a Marriage (Part 1)
What Is and Isn’t Appropriate When it Comes to Opposite Sex Relationships Outside of Your Marriage (Part 2)
/by Gerry DyeSituations and Circumstances You Need to Be Careful With While this article is meant to be a guideline for you and your spouse, you both will have to decide what you’re okay with and what you’re not okay with. Maybe you’re both okay with certain things that other couples wouldn’t be, and that’s for you […]
What Is and Isn’t Appropriate When it Comes to Opposite Sex Relationships Outside of Your Marriage (Part 1)
/by Gerry DyeImagine you just got married and you and your spouse are happily starting out your life together. However, you notice your spouse is still communicating with a close friend of the opposite gender that he had before you were married. While you know nothing is going on, you can’t help but feel ill at ease. […]
How to Set Healthy Boundaries in Marriage (Part 2)
/by Gerry Dye3. Use “If…Then” Statements to Create Them So what does a boundary look like and how do you create one? Here’s an example: If my spouse starts to lose his temper and begins to lash out, then I will, verbalizing a time-out, leave his presence and choose not to engage until he cools down. If […]
How to Set Healthy Boundaries in a Marriage (Part 1)
/by Gerry DyeWhether you’re newly married or you’ve been married for 15 years, boundaries can be an important part of a thriving, healthy relationship. Couples who understand how to implement appropriate boundaries in their marriage will find themselves feeling that sense of security and trustworthiness needed in a relationship at all times. Remember, the ultimate goal of […]